Remember me? The runner? Yeah, well I'm older and much slower than I used to be, but at least we're gearing up for another stab at it.

That's right, on Nov. 10 I'm running the Harrisburg Marathon. Since I'm in the masters class now, the goal is to try and win as the fastest old guy. The problem is there are a lot more fast old guys and I'm not sure I'm one of them.

We'll see, though. I figure if Joan Benoit Samuelson can run 2:50 at Boston at age 56, I ought to be able to do it, too.


Anyway, as the weeks progress I will update the training progress. Mostly I'm doing it for myself because I like writing and reading other training blogs. I don't suspect others do, but whatever. Hopefully, it will be interesting to the other running-type geeks out there.

And since I travel often and take a camera with me on rare occasions, maybe I'll spice it up with different things I come across on the roads. Since I started the training again I've run in Washington, D.C.; New York City; Indianapolis; Chicago; Dallas; Houston; New Orleans; Boston; Florida; Atlanta; Philadelphia; Valley Forge; State College and probably a few other places I forget. I also have trips planned to Colorado and Detroit where I'm excited about getting out and running around. 

Anyway, here's the first week of serious training:

Tuesday, June 4 (morning)

7.1 miles
Not the start I wanted, but it worked.

Tuesday, June 4 (evening)

3.2 miles
Nothing gets a runner in shape quicker than doubles. I think it's a metabolism thing. Whatever it is, it's fun. No, it often doesn't feel like fun when you try to push yourself out the door. But once you get going the low-key easy ones are fun because they pay off.

Wednesday, June 5

10 miles
Didn't get out until after work and then ran in South Philly through the Navy Yard. What a treat that was ... empty roads of a near-deserted city as well as the remnants of American industrial and military muscle. The old Naval parts were bloated, tired, rusting and abandoned. Sprinkled in is new office space for the new American corporate and technological muscle.

And everyone had gone home so I had the roads to myself. Fun.

Thursday, June 6

10.1 miles
Consistent mile splits through the neighborhood. The pace was solid even when running on grass for a couple of miles.

Friday, June 7

4 miles
Dark and rainy. Ran on a crappy indoor track and a treadmill at the YMCA and hated it. It's not the YMCA's fault (well, the crappy track is). I just don't like running inside.

SaturdaySaturday, June 8

12.1 miles
Ran nine miles of hills in Lancaster County Park. I had hoped to go 14-plus, but the hills were pretty tough and by the 10th and 11th miles I was shuffling a bit. Otherwise, it was a lot of fun. The County Park is slowly becoming a favorite place to run.

Check out the elevation ... it's not altitude, but there were some climbs.

Sunday, June 9

10.1 miles
Easy 10 through the neighborhood and some of the neighbors were out to chat a bit. Otherwise, the run was a lot like Thursday ... consistent and steady. Nothing to get excited about.

Total: 57 miles

It's a start.
